Wikileaks Reveals IMF Plan To "Cause A Credit Event In Greec

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Wikileaks Reveals IMF Plan To "Cause A Credit Event In Greec

Post by High on Death »

The fix is in, folks. Global governance, open borders, the assassination of the western middle class. Turning us all into serfs, to work the globalist billionaire's land. ... ize-europe

One of the recurring concerns involving Europe's seemingly perpetual economic, financial and social crises, is that these have been largely predetermined, "scripted" and deliberate acts.

This is something the former head of the Bank of England admitted one month ago when Mervyn King said that Europe's economic depression "is the result of "deliberate" policy choices made by EU elites. It is also what AIG Banque strategist Bernard Connolly said back in 2008 when laying out "What Europe Wants"

To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:

environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”

This morning we got another confirmation of how supernational organizations "plan" European crises in advance to further their goals, when Wikileaks published the transcript of a teleconference that took place on March 19, 2016 between the top two IMF officials in charge of managing the Greek debt crisis - Poul Thomsen, the head of the IMF's European Department, and Delia Velkouleskou, the IMF Mission Chief for Greece.

In the transcript, the IMF staffers are caught on tape planning to tell Germany the organization would abandon the troika if the IMF and the commission fail to reach an agreement on Greek debt relief.

More to the point, the IMF officials say that a threat of an imminent financial catastrophe as the Guardian puts it, is needed to force other players into accepting its measures such as cutting Greek pensions and working conditions, or as Bloomberg puts it, "considering a plan to cause a credit event in Greece and destabilize Europe."

According to the leaked conversation, the IMF - which has been pushing for a debt haircut for Greece ever since last August's 3rd Greek bailout - believes a credit event as only thing that could trigger a Greek deal; the "event" is hinted as taking place some time around the June 23 Brexit referendum.

As noted by Bloomberg, the leak shows officials linking Greek issue with U.K. referendum risking general political destabilization in Europe.

The leaked transcript reveals how the IMF plans to use Greece as a pawn in its ongoing negotiation with Germany's chancelleor in order to achieve the desired Greek debt reduction which Germany has been pointedly against: in the leak we learn about the intention of IMF to threaten German Chancellor Angela Merkel to force her to accept the IMF's demands at a critical point.

From the transcript:

THOMSEN: Well, I don't know. But this is... I think about it differently. What is going to bring it all to a decision point? In the past there has been only one time when the decision has been made and then that was when they were about to run out of money seriously and to default. Right?


THOMSEN: And possibly this is what is going to happen again. In that case, it drags on until July, and clearly the Europeans are not going to have any discussions for a month before the Brexits and so, at some stage they will want to take a break and then they want to start again after the European referendum.

VELKOULESKOU: That's right.

THOMSEN: That is one possibility. Another possibility is one that I thought would have happened already and I am surprised that it has not happened, is that, because of the refugee situation, they take a decision... that they want to come to a conclusion. Ok? And the Germans raise the issue of the management... and basically we at that time say "Look, you Mrs. Merkel you face a question, you have to think about what is more costly: to go ahead without the IMF, would the Bundestag say 'The IMF is not on board'? or to pick the debt relief that we think that Greece needs in order to keep us on board?" Right? That is really the issue.

* * *

VELKOULESKOU: I agree that we need an event, but I don't know what that will be. But I think Dijsselbloem is trying not to generate an event, but to jump start this discussion somehow on debt, that essentially is about us being on board or not at the end of the day.

THOMSEN: Yeah, but you know, that discussion of the measures and the discussion of the debt can go on forever, until some high up.. until they hit the July payment or until the leaders decide that we need to come to an agreement. But there is nothing in there that otherwise is going to force a compromise. Right? It is going to go on forever.

The IMF is also shown as continuing to pull the strings of the Greek government which has so far refused to compromise on any major reforms, as has been the case since the first bailout.

As the Guardian notes, Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos has accused the IMF of imposing draconian measures, including on pension reform. The transcript quotes Velculescu as saying: “What is interesting though is that [Greece] did give in … they did give a little bit on both the income tax reform and on the … both on the tax credit and the supplementary pensions”. Thomsen’s view was that the Greeks “are not even getting close [to coming] around to accept our views”. Velculescu argued that “if [the Greek government] get pressured enough, they would … But they don’t have any incentive and they know that the commission is willing to compromise, so that is the problem.”

Below is Paul Mason's summary of what is shaping up as the next political scandal.

The International Monetary Fund has been caught, red handed, plotting to stage a “credit event” that forces Greece to the edge of bankruptcy, using the pretext of the Brexit referendum.

No, this is not the plot of the next Bond movie. It is the transcript of a teleconference between the IMF’s chief negotiator, Poul Thomsen and Delia Velculescu, head of the IMF mission to Greece.

Released by Wikileaks, the discussion took place in Athens just before the IMF walked out of talks aimed at giving Greece the green light for the next stage of its bailout.

The situation is: the IMF does not believe the numbers being used by both Greece and Europe to do the next stage of the deal. It does not want to take part in the bailout. Meanwhile the EU cannot do the deal without the IMF because the German parliament won’t allow it.

* * *

Let me decode. An “event” is a financial crisis bringing Greece close to default. Just like last year, when the banks closed, millions of people faced economic and psychological catastrophe.

Only this time, the IMF wants to inflict that catastrophe on a nation holding tens of thousands of refugees and tasked with one of the most complex and legally dubious international border policing missions in modern history.

The Greek government is furious: “we are not going to let the IMF play with fire,” a source told me.

But the issue is out of Greek hands. In the end, as Thomsen hints in the transcript, only the European Commission and above all the German government can decide to honour the terms of the deal it did to bail Greece out last July.

The transcript, though received with fury and incredulity in Greece, will drop like a bombshell into the Commission and the ECB. It is they who are holding E300bn+ of Greek debt. It is the whole of Europe, in other words, that the IMF is conspiring to hit with the shock doctrine.

The Greeks are understandably angry and confused; As Bloomberg reported earlier, "Greece wants to know whether WikiLeaks report regarding IMF anticipating a Greek default at about the time of the U.K. June 23 referendum on its EU membership is the fund’s official position" government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili says Saturday in e-mailed statement. For its part, an IMF spokesman in e-mail Saturday said it doesn’t "comment on leaks or supposed reports of internal discussions."

Two side observations:

1. has a "Snowden" leaker now emerged at the IMF; if so we can expect many more such bombshell accounts in the coming weeks; or perhaps the reason for the leak is less nuanced: a bugged hotel.

2. it may be another turbulent summer in Europe.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

― Voltaire
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Re: Wikileaks Reveals IMF Plan To "Cause A Credit Event In G

Post by JawnDough »

Yep, that's the plan. Ordo Ab Chao or "Out of chaos comes order", is their motto. They cause the chaos and when the people have had enough they tear down the world order and establish a "New World Order".
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Re: Wikileaks Reveals IMF Plan To "Cause A Credit Event In G

Post by Illuminaughty »

The ability to break through the proverbial ceiling of those afforded "rich" status has less to do with the amount of equity gained, than the means through which it was acquired. That club is a den of snakes to put it mildly. Christine Lagarde, who heads the IMF at the present time, has close ties with the global leaders and fraternities which bind all the upper class into one group. They work as a whole and a collective. Although it is not as easy as putting it into text on a page as I am doing. It was said that one of the best weapons in the 20th century was and still is, sanctions. These are employed liberally against the phoenix we call Russia, which rose from the ashes of the Soviet Union. Most of the countries surrounding Russia currently have IMF intervention measures enacted for or against their leadership. A great example of this is Victoria Nuland's role in that of Ukraine. I personally have no dislike nor attraction to such groups or their policies. Mankind has been blinded to great length in seeing this, although many who can comprehend, turn away in ignorance. It is not some plan which will take place overnight, or even in a decade. It has been taken into account that it may take a century to do so. Which is why things took place in stages, as opportunity arises. An example of this was in the 80s war on drugs, certain agencies made a huge amount of financial gain, which was basically them taking over that market. What better way to fund black projects than to use cash that didn't exist. A large part of this money was then invested in buying up a lot of media outlets and a large part of what the public calls Hollywood. Nowadays we see that this investment has paid off, with networks like CNN/FOX being the leaders in changing perception among the american population to whatever/whoever wants it to be. Is this "bad"? My personal opinion is that it is not good, but if the general population does not see it as such, then one pretty much has to go with it. The IMF works in concert as part of a control mechanism which has been well thought out and employed by those who have very little in the way of compassion for the less fortunate. It is but a part in a large structure which currently guides every aspect of day to day life within the western sphere of influence.

One recent hint at how the IMF works was revealed during the downing of the Russian airliner in the Sinai late last year, 2015. As I will post the link to the article, I will just quote quickly that, "In addition, Mubarak’s government had been dragging its feet on the privatization and “structural adjustment” demanded by the IMF: and tourism was and is a major source of income helping to reduce the country’s dependence on the international banksters. But since last Saturday, all that is now in the balance; as the Financial Times commented, suspicions that the crash was caused by a bomb “are likely to prove disastrous to the country’s struggling tourism industry.”

Considering that when you factor in that Nato allies, Turkey and the Saudis, were the driving force behind the creation of Islamic State(ISIS), then it becomes very clear how easy it is to keep your hands clean by blaming an event on the "terrorists". It is a very tangled web that has been woven in the mid east lately. Allegedly in Libya, Gaddafi had some 143 tons of gold bullion, which was to be used to start a new currency for upper Africa. Hillary Clinton was immediately dispatched to the region upon confirmation of this, to arm and set loose the rebels. But that is a whole different story among so many... ... terrorist/
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