NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Canadian

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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by SillySleeper »

Aint no open borders up here for you disease ridden fleas, not till next year. lol! just kidding, But on a real side of things i agree with Ari Political Bullshit needs to stay off teamspeak especially now that people are getting hostile while talking about it. conversations should not lead to threats and yelling. And if I do recall there was a hidden rule in place about that. No sports or political talk on teamspeak.

but what zerk said i do have to reply and yes canada had slaves but that isnt the reason they stood for Canada and knelt for the US. its not at all about slavery it has nothing to do with slavery it has to do with the way racisim is looked at in your country compared to others dont sound like trump and make everything about you its not its about countries as a hole Maybe instead of playing the blame game try opening your eyes to the situation see both sides clearly before coming to a one sided conclusions.
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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by High on Death »

I gotta call BS on that one, Silly. You think racism is worse down here than up there? It ain't.

It's not about racism. This is Marxists pushing for a global communist world order. (Don't take my word for it; check out what Black Lives Matter or Antifa say their goals are.) This is the same shit they do when you read about communist insurgencies in central America and shit. Regardless of the TALK about racism, the rioting is primarily white college-aged kids burning down black neighborhoods/

I don't know what you think goes on down here, especially in major liberal cities, but it ain't like you describe. At least until this stupid BLM shit, things were pretty quiet. It's not like there's racism on the streets. Things have been pretty good, except for when the left is trying to cause riots and rebellion.

And just because there is racism in the world, why in the world does it have to be addressed during the national anthem? Saying "Fuck you. Your country is evil and you are racist." to every sports fan before every event is not going to solve anything! Sports used to be something that would bring people together. Now it's another opportunity to hate.

If you want an example of TRUE institutional racism, however, then you need look no further than the education system. Students in poor neighborhoods forced to get a poor education. Leftists oppose school accountability and school choice because they don't want poor people of color having the same educational opportunities as their children.

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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by SillySleeper »

High on Death wrote:I gotta call BS on that one, Silly. You think racism is worse down here than up there? It ain't.

It's not about racism. This is Marxists pushing for a global communist world order. (Don't take my word for it; check out what Black Lives Matter or Antifa's say their goals are.) This is the same shit they do when you read about communist insurgencies in central America and shit. Regardless of the TALK about racism, the rioting is primarily white college-aged kids burning down black neighborhoods/

I don't know what you think goes on down here, especially in major liberal cities, but it ain't like you describe. At least until this stupid BLM shit, things were pretty quiet. It's not like there's racism on the streets. Things have been pretty good, except for when the left is trying to cause riots and rebellion.

And just because there is racism in the world, why in the world does it have to be addressed during the national anthem? Saying "Fuck you. You're country is evil and you are racist." to every sports fan before every event is not going to solve anything! Sports used to be something that would bring people together. Now it's another opportunity to hate.

If you want an example of TRUE institutional racism, however, then you need look no further than the education system. Students in poor neighborhoods forced to get a poor education. Leftists oppose school accountability and school choice because they don't want poor people of color having the same educational opportunities as their children.
well as i do agree with most of that im not even gonna reply to it
but as for the reason for kneeling during the anthem was maybe a bad choice or a good choice depending on whose opinion your listening too
my opinion is a bad choice giving that the initial intent was good but the action is all anyone payed attention too. so the action took presidence over the initial intent which i bet kapernick didnt think this would happen when he did it. But the best way to get people to recieve your thoughts is with dramatic measures otherwise noone gives a shit its just too bad the only thing americans see in this situation is the fact that hes disrespecting the flag when in all actuality he just wants to be heard.
now as for rasism being better or worse i live in a city where i am the minority and yes racism is still around but its well hidden cause i dont see it very often. I personally dont see any rioting, police killing colored out of hate, i could go on but they are not happening up here so yes i stand by my comment until proven wrong. but once again another trump tactic making it about whose better and not the real problem
Quote Hod Regardless of the TALK about racism, the rioting is primarily white college-aged kids burning down black neighborhoods/
that is not the movement that is a group of dicks taking advantage of the situation
that happens with every large movement all through out history always a radical group trying to use the situation for there own gain doesn't means its the real intent of the movement
and i dont think that its worse there then up here the question was why they knelt for your anthem and not ours i was just basically stating that right now the issue is in your country and not so much in ours yet demonstrating wise LOL doesnt means its not gonna happen
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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by High on Death »

Again, the guy literally says "racism is everywhere. It's everyone's problem." And then insults the US and stands for Canada. And the league endorses it.

There's a lot of things I could say here. I guess the obvious starting point is that they gave him a forum to express himself for all to hear. So he could've given his speech, said thank you for listening, and then shown some respect by standing for the anthem. (which is actually easier than kneeling with skates on, right?) If he's protesting against America specifically, which is obviously what he was doing, then why come down here in the first place? Oh, yeah, that's right. Because he wants the money; the league needs US fans to be viable. That being the case, it doesn't make much sense to insult your target market. But whatever, I'm sick to death of this shit. Which is exactly what they want.

Well, at least we can all agree that Beezer is an asshole. Unity!


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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by circa »

High on Death wrote:
That being the case, it doesn't make much sense to insult your target market.

Yet here he is.. insulting the target market. Maybe he actually believes in the things he's speaking on?
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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by High on Death »

circa wrote:
High on Death wrote:
That being the case, it doesn't make much sense to insult your target market.

Yet here he is.. insulting the target market. Maybe he actually believes in the things he's speaking on?
Well starting off by insulting people maybe isn't a great approach? They gave him all the time in the world to say what he wanted. Everybody listened and considered what he said. Why the need to be disrespectful like that?

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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by circa »

High on Death wrote:
circa wrote:
High on Death wrote:
That being the case, it doesn't make much sense to insult your target market.

Yet here he is.. insulting the target market. Maybe he actually believes in the things he's speaking on?
Well starting off by insulting people maybe isn't a great approach? They gave him all the time in the world to say what he wanted. Everybody listened and considered what he said. Why the need to be disrespectful like that?
Are you familiar with Meyes Leonard? He is a white NBA player. His brother is an Afghan veteran.

He chose not to kneel with the rest of his team at the start of this NBA season.
Leonard, who is White, rooted his decision to stand in the military service of his older brother Bailey and others close to him.

“I listened to my heart,” he wrote on Twitter. “I felt an overwhelming amount of emotion as I stood there during the National Anthem. My brother, and many close friends have sworn to protect this country at all costs, and that means something to me, as does the flag and our nation.”

In a statement to Yahoo, Leonard, 28, said he “ABSOLUTELY DID NOT THINK THAT KNEELING WAS DISRESPECTFUL TO THE FLAG — a common counter from critics of Kaepernick’s protests, which began in 2016. Leonard also told the Associated Press that he planned to donate $100,000 to support Black voting rights efforts in Florida.
I guess you think the NBA social justice warriors ran him out of the league right?
Meyers stood for the anthem with the support of his Miami Heat teammates, including team captain Udonis Haslem.

"[Him] being out there with us, as our brother, it's still showing strength, it's still showing unity, it's still showing that we're coming together for a common cause," Haslem told the Associated Press. "People will question, ‘Why isn't he doing it their way?' Well, he's standing by us. He's supporting us. He's with us."

Andre Iguodala also respected his choice.

"On the one hand, we're saying, ‘We want you to see things from our perspective,'" Iguodala said. "But by saying that, I also have to see things from his perspective. And I can see where he's coming from."
Imagine being able to have differences and still being able to work through them. Such a concept!

The guys brother served 2 duties in Afghanistan and he DOESN'T think kneeling is disrespectful to the flag. Who is your authority on this? Because Trump say it - it must be so?
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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by High on Death »

circa wrote:
High on Death wrote:
circa wrote:
Yet here he is.. insulting the target market. Maybe he actually believes in the things he's speaking on?
Well starting off by insulting people maybe isn't a great approach? They gave him all the time in the world to say what he wanted. Everybody listened and considered what he said. Why the need to be disrespectful like that?
Are you familiar with Meyes Leonard? He is a white NBA player. His brother is an Afghan veteran.

He chose not to kneel with the rest of his team at the start of this NBA season.
Leonard, who is White, rooted his decision to stand in the military service of his older brother Bailey and others close to him.

“I listened to my heart,” he wrote on Twitter. “I felt an overwhelming amount of emotion as I stood there during the National Anthem. My brother, and many close friends have sworn to protect this country at all costs, and that means something to me, as does the flag and our nation.”

In a statement to Yahoo, Leonard, 28, said he “ABSOLUTELY DID NOT THINK THAT KNEELING WAS DISRESPECTFUL TO THE FLAG — a common counter from critics of Kaepernick’s protests, which began in 2016. Leonard also told the Associated Press that he planned to donate $100,000 to support Black voting rights efforts in Florida.
I guess you think the NBA social justice warriors ran him out of the league right?
Meyers stood for the anthem with the support of his Miami Heat teammates, including team captain Udonis Haslem.

"[Him] being out there with us, as our brother, it's still showing strength, it's still showing unity, it's still showing that we're coming together for a common cause," Haslem told the Associated Press. "People will question, ‘Why isn't he doing it their way?' Well, he's standing by us. He's supporting us. He's with us."

Andre Iguodala also respected his choice.

"On the one hand, we're saying, ‘We want you to see things from our perspective,'" Iguodala said. "But by saying that, I also have to see things from his perspective. And I can see where he's coming from."

Imagine being able to have differences and still being able to work through them. Such a concept!

The guys brother served 2 duties in Afghanistan and he DOESN'T think kneeling is disrespectful to the flag. Who is your authority on this? Because Trump say it - it must be so?
I gotta hand it to you, Circa. that's some good leftist arguments, meaning its not an argument at all. It's yet another attempt to find a mouthpiece who people dare not criticise.

You could've talked about Colin Kaepernick, or Lebron James, or whatever. But no, you need to find some veteran or whatever, with the implication that if I don't take his word as gospel, then I hate veterans! What an ABSOLUTE crock of shit! So some guy says he doesn't consider kneeling for the national anthem disrespectful? Well FUCK HIM I don't give a shit what these props think. You can say its not disrespectful all day long, but we all know that being disrespectful is the entire point!

Also, you mention that I only believe the way I do because Donald Trump told me to think that way. That I'm incapable for thinking for myself. So thanks for that. I suppose you'll tell me that some WWII veteran said that THAT isn't disrespectful either, so its all good, right?

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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by circa »

I gotta hand it to you, Circa. that's some good leftist arguments, meaning its not an argument at all. It's yet another attempt to find a mouthpiece who people dare not criticise.
HOD are you saying that Leonard is a prop because he carefully thought out whether to stand/kneel discussed it with his family/teammates and came to a decision that both sides respected? Because if you are it' seems the only thing you want is division. You don't want common ground. You don't want compromise. It's your way or the highway. That's kind of not how the world works.

Also, can you stop with the leftist shit and just have a normal discussion with me? I'll even have it with you on Teamspeak if you prefer. The hoops you jump through to not actually have to deal with any of the things I say or write are astounding.
Also, you mention that I only believe the way I do because Donald Trump told me to think that way. That I'm incapable for thinking for myself. So thanks for that. I suppose you'll tell me that some WWII veteran said that THAT isn't disrespectful either, so its all good, right?

ACTUALLY what I ASKED you was the following :
Who is your authority on this? Because Trump say it - it must be so?
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Re: NHL's Dumbass:Kneels for American anthem,stands for Cana

Post by dckx »

I am tempted to participate in the conversation but I'm also afraid to be told to go back to my country. What should I do?
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