Trump's final argument

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Re: Trump's final argument

Post by JawnDough »

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High on Death
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Re: Trump's final argument

Post by High on Death »

DarbyCrash wrote:well I think both candidates suck, all I know is HoD is going to lose the bet and pay $20!! Oh and GermZ kicked some butt too this week!! woo hoo!!
Fuck you bitch, pay up!

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Re: Trump's final argument

Post by DarbyCrash »

What? The election was rigged!!!
~ D@rbY Cr(A)sH ~

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Re: Trump's final argument

Post by bubba »

High on Death wrote:
DarbyCrash wrote:well I think both candidates suck, all I know is HoD is going to lose the bet and pay $20!! Oh and GermZ kicked some butt too this week!! woo hoo!!
Fuck you bitch, pay up!

LOL Awesome.
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Re: Trump's final argument

Post by dckx »

Thanks for your note, HOD, I appreciate it. And I'm glad we cleared that out. I also congratulate you and the other Trump supporters in the forum for the election result. I truly hope he will at least bring some of the change that the US middle class seems to be in need of.
RAPT(+)R wrote:I get what you're saying DC but let me use my grandpa and boss as an example and yes i know they're not running for president i get that. Both of these men have/had a strong moral code and truly respected people who respect them no matter their color, religion or creed. However with that being said they have an extremely gruff and unpolished way of wording things much like Trump. They even go so far as to use racial slurs for every color known to man including white people. However that in no way was meant to generalize all people of that color it was merely meant to represent the scum of said color. I've even had conversations with my african american friends and asked if nigger bothered them and they'd say no because there's a difference between a black man and a nigger just like there's a difference in a white man and a cracker or white trash. Now does that mean I go around calling black people niggers? No. All I'm trying to say is not every unpolished comment or even comments that sound xenophobic are and if you're going to be fair you have to give Trump the same benefit of the doubt the media is giving Hillary. She's got more connection with the KKK than Trump has questionable comments. Not to mention the democrat party is and always was against civil rights at it's core. Sure they spout good nonsense but when it comes time to vote they stick with their lobbyists and bigotry. So doing my best to look at things objectively(which isn't going to be completely objective cause yes i am voting for trump) you have to at least give him the same amount of slack that Hillary is getting from the media and as such his comments seem minute in the wake of her actual deeds instead of his words.
I'd love to have enough time to give you a more elaborate answer, but I don't have at the moment, and might not have for a while, so I will say this for now: I understand your example, but if I had to say whether I agree with it or not in a yes-or-no fashion, I would have to say that I don't because I believe language plays an essential role in the "construction" of our reality, which is why the way things are said and the context in which they are said are of utmost importance (and why ultimately some things can be said in some ways and not in others). Further elaboration would make me recognize that saying "nigger" is not necessarily racist, but I would still make the point that "nigger" is always more racially loaded than "black person", for example, regardless of the speaker, the audience, and the context, in which case, why use it to begin with?

When I first came to the US, I couldn't understand what was the big deal with using racial appellatives. While I knew how loaded these kind of words were, I thought that by keeping their use forbidden or restricted to certain groups, people were in fact worsening racial differences by drawing more attention to race than if they didn't do anything special about such language. However, after reflecting more on the subject, I have arrived at the personal conclusion that given the history of racial conflict in this and other countries —more specifically, the history of European hegemony over other non-white ethnic groups (american indigenous peoples, Africans, Polynesians)— there is no option but to take explicit measures that favor those historically underprivileged groups in order to erase the marks of such conflicts. I think those measures should include, among other things, a careful use of language (e.g. the avoidance of certain words, the avoidance of certain word associations, etc.). Also, I think that it is an error to think that racism is only manifested through the use of racially loaded words or explicit acts of hate. I think racism can also be exerted in more subtle ways —like condescension or apathy or stereotyping, to name a few. I think people have these ways of subconscious racial discrimination deeply engraved on them —I know at least I do after years of exposure to western mainstream media and pop culture. In other words, I am racist, and not because I deliberately choose to or because I adhere to a racist ideology, but rather, because I was born and have lived my entire life in a racially biased culture which has molded the ways in which I think. Ever since I became aware of that, I have made explicit efforts to "unbias" myself, such as trying to use racially neutral language, avoiding making stereotypical assumptions, etc. I believe such efforts become more relevant and necessary the more visible one is (as more visibility means our actions and behaviors impact increasingly larger groups of people), which is I believe such unpolished language/attitudes should not be allowed in a President or public figure. And not only because of what I just explained, but also because there are people who actually are racist by choice, who will find a source for legitimizing their racism in the words of public figures.

Anyway, this is a very interesting topic which I would love to continue discussing with more calm at some other time.

PS: I don't like Hillary at all. I do think she was a better overall candidate than Trump, but I am far from being a fan of her.
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Re: Trump's final argument

Post by -}GoD{-Gunner »

dckx wrote:Very beautiful, but pure demagogy in my opinion.

First, because his discourse is an extreme simplification of what a global world is (e.g. global economy and global politic affairs). In others words, he doesn't really know what the fuck he is talking about. And second, and more importantly, because this motherfucker doesn't believe a single word he is saying. Besides being an supremely ignorant, extremely racist, pathologically liar, narcissistic motherfucker, Trump is a clown who doesn't have the benefit of the US nor US citizens in his mind. He does in his speeches, but not beyond that. If he were to be elected, I truly doubt he would do a real thing to actually improve the things he claims to be broken. I'm not saying Clinton is better (although she is), but this guy clearly isn't the solution to shit. I truly understand the anti establishment rhetoric, and I agree with it to a large extent, but not with this guy. I think he will not win this election, not because it is rigged by the Anunnaki but simply because people know better. But if he does, you will see in time that either: a) he fucks things up; or at the very least b) he does not fulfill his campaign promises.

However, regardless of that, the sad and disturbing about this campaign is the vast number of people that bought this guy's discourse. Because even if in some respects that is a good thing (e.g. grassroots movement) it also is a very fucked up thing as it Trump's campaign have become a place for the legitimization of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and superb nationalism. All those things were always latent in the American society, but this fucker have helped make them more alive.

I don't know if you are aware and/or even care, but most of the whole world is just astonished (and few others, like Putin, fascinated) by the possibility you would elect Trump as your next president. We are all waiting to see whether you will have a truly idiot running your country or not for the next years. Are you gonna break the record you already set with Bush? We shall see.
Boy have you been proven wrong. I suggest you start watching alternative media. Slinging BS propaganda from mainstream media makes you look foolish.

I will give you the fact a man is only as good as his word (could have been lying.) though. Sure don't look like it so far.
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