Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by tripullcrown »

Its Funny for OVER a 100 years, we have dealt with Terrorists groups (all young fighting age men by the way Raptor) in this country... They flew their flags PROUDLY, marched down the streets of Washington DC while yelling hatred and terrorist remarks without shame, concern or respect for AMERICAN PEOPLE. Bombing people at you fuckers hear me ...AT FUCKING WILL!!!!. Now when "certain people" become the TARGET of hatred and Terrorism, NOW its a huge deal ..."We shouldn't dear let people who hate us in this country"Really....lolol FUCKING JOKE!!! I wonder what the people of America would say if ISIS was marching down washington DC with those famous BLACK flags of hate that we all have come to recognize...Oh yeah that would never happen because people LIKE YOU motherfuckers......Dont enjoy being the target of a HATE group............................................IN YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY!!!!!!!! Its WHACK .....and you all sound like yellow, Spineless....COWARDS........YEAH YEAH!!! Belied dat!

Many Americans have been dealing with terrorism since "We" were born. This is only new to You mofos.....Much love for you all! not trying to offend any of yah, maybe a lil no seriously not.......But take that shit somewhere else where you can go do your FAKE fucking conversations........YEAH YEAH mofos...YEAH YEAH.
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by MsDimeanor »

Hold your horses there a minute TC. You cannot compare apples to oranges and call it a pear. I agree that it is a tragedy that anyone should be treated as less than another based on the color of their skin. People who didn't stand up for what was right- whether out of fear or ignorance were just as much to blame for our history as the one's that committed the atrocities. However, let's not claim bigotry and racism on people that were not a part of that past. I wasn't here 100 years ago. I wasn't here in the 50's or 60's and most of these guys you're yelling at weren't either. Neither were you. It's fine to remember the past because how else are we going to learn, but there comes a point when you have to move forward and come together as a group instead of tearing it apart from within. You have an enemy at your front AND back door that would like nothing more than to eliminate you, your family and your friends from this planet simply because you don't believe the way they do.

I don't give two shits whether Obama is muslim or not. He's an extremely intelligent man that wants nothing more than to see the destruction of our country. The fact is the government we have now is nothing more than a puppet show. They love that we are fighting amongst ourselves because it keeps us busy and blind. If ISIS was to march to DC carrying their flags, we would let them. That doesn't mean they wouldn't meet protests along the way, but because this is America, they could do it. There are muslim rallies in Cowboy stadium for example. No one stops them. But tell me, in your opinion TC, why it is ok for them to hate me, but it's not ok for me to say fine then, you hate me so much, stay home? Because after all, this is "MY HOME". I'm sorry their country is a mess, but why is that my problem when I can barely make ends meet as it is and its my money that is going to support them until they leave or assimilate (if they assimilate at all)? This is infiltration with the sole purpose of inflicting as much damage and death as possible upon the hand that feeds them.

I am not exactly sure what point you were trying to make, but if you are in favor of allowing people into this country that want you dead, then perhaps you should consider moving to Syria for awhile and see how much you like them then.
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by Zerk »

"Hold your horses", lmao. Guess u told him msd. Looks like u finally shut him up. So Eloquently spoken too. On a side note, go fack yourself scrub, lol, jk bra
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by tripullcrown »

Lm....FUCKING ASS OFF....!!!! Thank you Mrs D... for schooling me.....not even worth a rebuttal from me guys....yeah Zerk you are right about one thing brother......SHE SURE DID SHUT ME UP.....PEACE OUT!!!
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by High on Death »

Like I said, that Obama ain't shit.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

― Voltaire
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by dckx »

There seems to be some serious paranoia around here.
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by Zerk »

Your right, no need to be concerned about Syrian refugees or illegals flooding the U.S. to get their free shit. In my opinion these types dont give a damn about the country hosting them. Move along....nothing to read here.
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by dckx »

I might be wrong, but I think there is a pretty big difference between being concerned and being paranoid. I am not saying US citizens should not be concerned about whatever happens with refugees inside their borders; I just manifested that it seems that some of you are a little too speculative and imaginative when it comes to the possible consequences of welcoming Syrian refugees. In any case, it doesn't cause any surprise that many people overreact: after all, most of this country's media falls short when it comes to informing objectively —plus this is an rather patriotic and xenophobe culture, so anything that even gets remotely close to being a menace (especially coming from the outside) make people feel their rights are being infringed and their well being and ways of living put at risk.

Then, there is a huge oversimplification when the argument is put in terms of "refugees or illegals flooding the U.S. to get their free shit. In my opinion these types don't give a damn about the country hosting them". Human history is quite a complex shit, so things are not as simple as saying "Muslims are bad, we are good... good bless America" or "Mexicans are stealing our jobs and don't pay taxes". I am not saying there couldn't be some truth in those ideas (although very little in my opinion, and never on those precise terms), but at the end of the day, they are so superfluous that are just useless, both for conceptual and practical purposes. Also, there is some hypocrisy in understanding terrorism as appearing out of the thin air. There are historical threads behind these ideologies and groups, and to have an informed opinion, you might very well start by acknowledging the role that the US played —and continues to play— there, as in many other contexts as well (where they destabilized governments, lead countries to civil wars, and what not).

Finally, you should not dismiss so quickly what TC said —for an outsider like me it is very curious that people make so big efforts in lucubrations about what will or will not happen with the refugees, while basically ignoring more concrete, closer-to-home issues like the still deeply-rooted racism, or the alarming amount of shootings in schools, etc. I am not saying that people should worry about one or the other, but at the same time —taking this forum as an example— there seem to be many threads about ISIS, Al Qaeda, and none about stuff like what TC brought up here. I am not making conclusions of any kind either, but just saying that one might entertain the idea that there may be an imbalance in American's priorities.
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by Gunner »

dckx wrote:I might be wrong, but I think there is a pretty big difference between being concerned and being paranoid. I am not saying US citizens should not be concerned about whatever happens with refugees inside their borders; I just manifested that it seems that some of you are a little too speculative and imaginative when it comes to the possible consequences of welcoming Syrian refugees.

Not being paranoid if you know it's being done to destabilize your Country. This is NOT normal immigrating Dc. Do your research and you will see what i mean.
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Re: Al qaeda terrorists settled in KY as refugees

Post by RAPT(+)R »

tripullcrown wrote:Obama is a CHRISTIAN. Dumb Fucks...When is certain american people gonna stop judging people by their name and other favorite qualities that they LOVE to Judge on!!!! Sad Sad Sad !!! EDUCATION IS A MUST IN LIFE!
HAHA Obama a christian? Dude what rock have you been living under. I suppose you think he's the victim of racism too? And it was Bush's fault? Stop drinking the Kool aid... or Lean...
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